Posted tagged ‘Success’

Achieving Success: Top 7 Tips For Living A More Meaningful & Fulfilling Life

January 9, 2012

A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life~Charles Darwin
I believe it’s in our nature to want to please everyone we can, make them happy, help them. Make them proud of us. However, when we do this, our life often suffers. Our loved ones suffer. The time we are given suffers. Our work and sometimes our health suffers because of it. We need to stop pleasing everyone and start pleasing ourselves. Start living our own life. A more meaningful, fulfilling life that we can look back on and say, “I did my part for society, but I also lived a fulfilling life”. Often we get wrapped up in things that don’t matter. Time wasters if you will. As I sometimes call it, “time eaters”. Time eaters are people who have one agenda and one agenda only. Themselves. They could care less about your agenda.
There are only so many minutes and hours in a day. Before you know it, a week, a month, a year has past. You will look back and say, “what have I accomplished”, “where has all the time gone”. Before you know it, you’re sitting on a rocker at a ripe old age wondering, did I really live my life to the fullest. We don’t want to say “I didn’t live my life, others lived my life”.
I’m all for helping others and making a huge difference in others lives. Making an impact in other lives is a great feeling. Knowing that you have impacted someone for the better is an awesome feeling. Knowing that you gave back to society is a wonderful feeling. However, we only have one life to live. What’s it going to take for us to realize that we’re only on this beautiful earth for a short time. We don’t want to live with any regrets. When our time comes, we want to ask ourselves, did I make a difference, did I love passionately and did I live a fulfulling life. Our answer should be Yes to all of them.
Here are 7 Tips for living with NO regrets-Living YOUR Life:
1) Don’t Buy Happiness-If you believe money is the secret sauce to happiness, consider this: According to a University of Illinois study, the Forbes 400 (the wealthiest billionaires in America) and the Maasai tribes of East Africa (simple, pastoral herdsmen) exhibit the same levels of happiness, regardless of their monetary differences. In plain English: Money doesn’t buy happiness.
2) Get Together With Friends & Loved Ones Often-Could getting together and having fun save your life? Maybe so, when you consider that loneliness is a life-threatening condition that can raise your risk of heart disease and depression. It helps to have a close group of friends, but it’s also important to interact with people outside that circle. Every kind of positive interaction, from smiling at the waitress to chatting with a stranger can boost your mood.
3) Weekend Get Aways-Spare some time away for a weekend trip. This WILL boost your mood and productivity.
4) Make The Little Things Count-We are often on auto-pilot and don’t appreciate the small things in life. Hey, you woke up in a warm home, you have hot water, you have food in the fridge, you have someone that loves you. Stop for a moment and appreciate how blessed you truly are.
5) Pursue Your Passion-Do WHAT you LOVE. Stop living for others. Life’s too SHORT.
6) Forgive Yourself-Focus on the PRESENT, FUTURE,  NOT the past.
7) Live In The Moment-Be PRESENT in ALL you DO! Look that person in the eyes and pay attention to what they are saying. Stop looking around when someone is talking too you. Treat that person as if they were the only human being alive. Kneel down and kiss your child and tell them you love them more than life. Lay on the floor and play checkers with your best friend. Without being PRESENT you’ll lose out on 90% of your life.

I’m John R. Salkowski, Founder of Achieve Success Academy, Leading Authority on Peak Performance, Achieving Greater Success, Overcoming Adversity & Finding Your WHY Power, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Retired Cop and Survivor of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

I can be reached via email at for questions and Speaking Engagements.

Achieving Success: The Top 3 Qualities That Are Essential For Your Success

December 27, 2011

In order to be successful, these three words are paramount to your success. If you don’t live and breathe by these three words, your success is virtually impossible.
Here they are: Passion, Push, Perseverance
Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you ~ Oprah Winfrey
My definition of Passion is the burning desire you have inside you to achieve more, be more and do more.  Whatever you are passionate about should keep you up at night. Whatever you are passionate about should be on your mind 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. Passion is wanting success just as bad as you need the air you breathe. This is Passion.
I always wanted to be the best I could be at whatever I did. I didn’t want to be the number one golfer in the world. I just wanted to be as good as I could be. I work hard, I push myself hard, and I probably even expect too much of myself ~ Greg Norman
You must push yourself to the breaking point when you want to achieve something. If you want something so bad you must be willing to run through a brick wall to get it, achieve it, accomplish it. Sounds crazy, huh. Well guess what, if you don’t feel this way then you are leaving it all on the table for someone else to grab. If you cheat yourself one time, this will carry over into everything you do in life. For example, if you are in the gym and you have a goal of doing 30 minutes of cardio and you quit after 20 minutes, you just cheated yourself. Cheating in the smallest task will carry over in to all you do in life. To push you need discipline. By cheating yourself, you are failing to create discipline in your life. In order to succeed in anything you do, you must have the discipline to push through the feeling of giving up. It takes 21 days to create or break a habit. Over the next 21 days, push yourself to the limit in everything you do and watch and see what happens in your life.

Football is like life – it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority~ Vince Lombardi

Perseverance is the steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. You must possess the mentality that failure is no option. You must encourage failure. You must persist through failure because failure is guaranteed along your journey. Learn from it, embrace it and persist through it. If you lack perseverance you will never be successful. Did you know that Thomas Edison, the worlds greatest inventor failed over 10,000 times. Where would this world be had he quit?
I’m John R. Salkowski, Founder of Achieve Success Academy, Businessman, Entrepreneur, Motivational/Transformational Speaker, Real Estate Expert, Retired Police Officer, Survivor of PTSD (Post traumatic Stress Disorder) and the World’s Leading Authority on Overcoming Adversity and Achieving Success.
I can be reached via email at
To Your Success,

Tips For Achieving Success Faster Than You’ve Ever Thought Possible

December 20, 2011

What does it mean to you to be successful?

Don’t worry about society’s standards for success. Just consider how you would define success — for yourself. Based on your own definition, are you successful? Are you living up to your own values and ideals? Are you fulfilling your true potential? If you’re truly successful by your own definition, there shouldn’t be any doubt or hesitation. You could answer with an easy and obvious yes. Maybe other people would consider you successful. Maybe you’d like to think of yourself as successful. But do you really believe that about yourself? Do you feel you’re living up to YOUR potential? Are you doing your BEST? Before we can grow beyond this point, we have to admit the truth to ourselves first. It’s okay if it’s an unpleasant truth, but we still need to face it. Denying the truth WILL NOT help us grow. No truth, no growth, right? The truth is that most of us actually end up living pretty mediocre lives. We know we could be doing much better, but we constantly slack off. We distract ourselves. Most of us regret tomorrow before we’ve even lived it.

Barriers to Success

Success can be very rewarding, but it’s not an easy path to take. There are many obstacles and problems to confront along the way. Some of these problems are in fact getting worse.
Do you find it difficult to focus? You’re not alone. You may have noticed a major increase in distractions in your life within the last few years. There are more things clamoring for our attention than ever before. Another challenge is that we have more opportunities than ever before. We live in a time of rapid change, and change brings opportunity. From all of these possibilities, how do we pick something to focus on? How can we possibly feel confident that our decisions are correct? These challenges can be overwhelming at times. So quite often, we check out. We distract ourselves. We spin our wheels and run in circles. Life passes us by. And we wonder where all the time went. With each passing year, you may feel you’re slipping further and further behind, relative to where you’d hoped to be. There’s a gradual feeling of dread that builds over time… a sense of loss and regret — and maybe some guilt as well. If only you’d made better use of your time while you were younger… One year you have a job. The next year you’re trying to start a business. You don’t find the work very fulfilling, but it pays the bills. University students often have this problem as well. They switch majors like they’re changing their clothes. First it’s psychology, then a year later it’s engineering, then philosophy. What’s the point of paying for school if you’re not going to finish what you start?

The 3 Key Challenges of Success

Let’s clarify the 3 critical challenges of success — challenges that everyone must face if they wish to become very successful.
Here they are:
1. You need to figure out what to do with your life.
If you don’t decide what to do with your life, chances are you’ll end up working for someone who does. You can run your own life, or you can have someone run it for you. Most people end up having their lives ran by someone else. They spend most of their lives working to achieve someone else’s goals. Is that you?
2. You need to COMMIT to being successful.
You don’t need to commit yourself to any particular path forever, but you must at least stick with your projects long enough to make serious and meaningful progress.
You can’t keep starting and stopping. You can’t keep quitting. You can’t keep distracting yourself.
3. You need to get yourself to take action repeatedly.
If you want the results of success, you’d better get used to taking a lot of action. No action, no results.
Most people fail the first challenge miserably, so they never even make it to the second and third challenges because they give up. But even those that do have a clear idea of what they want to do rarely get very far with it. Suffice it to say that mediocrity is a LOT more common than success.
Why is that?

Because Success is hard, very hard.

I think you deserve to know the truth. It’s not that easy to succeed. It can be a serious struggle at times. Very successful people know this, and they know it well. At least in the short run, it’s easier to be mediocre. If you want the easy path, you’ll have to settle for mediocrity. Trying to succeed will only frustrate you. You’ll find it too difficult. If you aren’t fully committed to success, you’ll give up too soon. I’m not here to serve the people who are okay with mediocrity. I want achievers. Achievers are people who want to better themselves. They want to grow.
But here’s the good news: It’s definitely possible to improve. Success is both learnable and teachable. You don’t have to settle for a mediocre life. Yes, success is harder than mediocrity, but it’s not impossible. Great success is achievable if you commit yourself to it. You really could be doing better. You could be succeeding much faster than you are now — and in a much bigger way.

Having vs. Being

There’s a difference between having certain results and being an achiever. Try not to get too riled about about the having aspects. That isn’t a good place to root your self-esteem and self-worth. Money and possessions are nice, but they won’t fulfill you by themselves. When it comes to success, the being part is much more important. What does it mean to be successful? Success is a certain feeling you have about yourself. It’s a very positive, energetic, motivating feeling — a feeling of ambition, drive, determination, confidence, and forward momentum. You look in the mirror and feel happy and excited. You feel motivated to get going. You’re inspired to take action… lots of action. For many people, days like this are few and far between. Some people can barely recall a day when they felt inspired and motivated. That’s truly sad and disappointing. Conscious human beings can do better. When you’re at your best, life flows with passion and possibility. Your goals and projects are motivating and energizing. You take lots of action because you’re inspired to act. It wouldn’t feel as good to delay. When you end a successful day, it’s a great feeling. You barely want to go to bed because you’re enjoying such wonderful flow. When you do go to bed, you sleep restfully and peacefully. Real success is a state of being, not a collection of possessions or a number in a bank account. You can tell when you’re in the flow of success or not. If you’re not sure, then you’re not in the flow. Being in the flow is undeniable. When I’m in this successful flow state, the having part largely takes care of itself. When I do my best work, I create value for others. This can create an abundance of income for you, which makes it easy to pay your bills, meet your needs, and enjoy the experiences that make life worth living. Resolve today to commit yourself to be an achiever!

I’m John R. Salkowski, Founder of Achieve Success Academy, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, Retired Police Officer and Survivor of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

I can be reached via email at I would love to hear your feedback, thoughts, questions.

The Top 10 Laws to Achieve Success and Win the Game of Life

December 9, 2011

The Top 10 Laws to Achieve Success and Win the Game of Life

1) Be Decisive in all you do: The decisions you make will define your destiny

2) Stay Laser Focused: By focusing on something you want or want to achieve, it becomes like a magnet that pulls you and the resources you need to achieve them

3)Goals: This is a MUST: Write down all the goals you want to achieve each night before going to sleep. The goals must Specific, Measurable, Time Bounded.

4)Planning: Without a plan you will wander like a boat without a rudder

5)Surround Yourself with Positive Successful Influential People: Follow their lead and DO NOT Re-Invent the wheel

6)Encourage Failure: Failure is a MUST if you want to succeed. Embrace it and learn from it

7)Take Action: Do what is necessary each and everyday to get you closer to your prize. Without Action, you will remain in the same spot

8)Inspect what you Expect: Your attention toward your goals will increase Productivity

9)Reward Yourself: You MUST reward yourself once you accomplish your goal. Positive Reinforcement

10)Commitment and Perseverance: Commit yourself, hold yourself accountable, stay focused on your mission

Achievers aren’t born, they are made. They are made just like anything else, through hard work. Hard work is the price you’ll have to pay to achieve your goals/dreams you desire~John R. Salkowski

I’m John R. Salkowski, Founder of Achieve Success Academy, Retired Police Officer, Speaker, Entrepreneur, America’s Leading Authority in Helping PTSD Sufferers Overcome Their Challenges and To Achieve The Success They Deserve so They Can Live The Life They Deserve!

Please leave your comments below.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Why You Need A Mentor

December 8, 2011

PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is becoming an epidemic amongst cops and military personnel. You see it all over the news, in the newspapers by our returning heroes. This disorder is affecting hundreds of thousands of lives across this country and we as a society need to do something about it before it becomes worse than it already is.

To often when someone experiences the symptoms of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) they turn to different avenues of trying to overcome it. Let me give you a few examples of what I mean: Turning to self medicating or drug abuse: whether prescription drugs, alcohol or any other illegal drug to soothe the feelings of anxiety, depression, anger, irritability and any other feelings they are experiencing. Self medicating doesn’t help. It makes the symptoms worse which in turn leads to the person acting out. What do I mean by acting out? The self medicating or drug abuse only enhances the feelings that one is going through. This leads to the next epidemic of PTSD sufferers. Committing suicide and often homicide. Why?

Why are Police Officers, war veterans and military personnel not seeking help from the powers to be? The command staff, human resources department, mentors. Because we are trained that asking for help is weak? We are trained to act as if we have no emotions. Nothing is supposed to bother us. Who are they kidding? This thought process makes me sick. Makes me want to vomit! The machoisms, the egos in these professions need to be checked at the door. We are human beings for christ sake. Things do bother us? When they bother us, we need to be trained to seek help and not be afraid of what people will think of us. Instead, they throw you out like a bag of trash in a dumpster. They get rid of you. It’s easier to turn your back on a problem then face it head on. This mentality is for the cowards of the world. Police Officers and Military Personnel are their to help, correct? There to serve our communities and country, correct? Then why is it that when one of us needs help, they turn their back on us?

Don’t rely on help or assistance within these organizations. Why rely on them for help when they need help more than you do. My advice to you is to seek out a mentor or a mentoring program. A person or place you can go to confide in to helping you through your road bumps or adversity. Seek out a person or program that you can trust. Use your gut instinct, listen to your inner-voice when seeking out a mentor or a mentoring program. Seek out someone who has been there and done that is now in a place where you want to be. Seek out a mentoring program that has proven results. If you’re afraid of what people may think then keep it to yourselves. It takes a man to admit we need help. It takes a man to admit that you are at your breaking point. It takes a man of courage and strength to admit this. Don’t let anyone tell you different and if they do turn around and walk away. This type of person you don’t need in your life anyway.

Trust me on this please. You are important. You matter in this world. There are people who love and care about you. For all you parents out there, do it for your kids. They need you more than anyone or anything. Do it for them.

I’m John R. Salkowski, Founder of Achieve Success Academy and survivor of PTSD, Businessman, Speaker and Self Made Man. If I can overcome PTSD and achieve the success I have accomplished so can you. Believe in yourself because no one else will.

Please leave your comments below and let’s start making a difference in this world by helping our Hero’s live happy, healthy, successful lives.

The Hunger For Success: Are You Hungry? Then You Need To Stay Hungry?

November 29, 2011

Are you hungry for what you want in life? Do you wake up everyday starving to accomplish great things? Ask yourself this question: What is my Why? If you can answer this question then you’ll wake up every morning hungry. Starting each and everyday on an empty stomach knowing you have to find your next meal. Of course I mean the success you want in life.

Staying HUNGRY

If you’re not hungry than you don’t want to be the best you can be. You don’t want to be the best in your field, no matter what profession you’re in. If you don’t want to be the best you can be rest assured there is someone out there that does. If you want to be the best that you can be day in and day out then you need to start everyday wondering where your next meal will come from. Think about this: According to the University of Michigan back in 2005, there were 11.5 million entrepreneurs in the U.S. Some of these entrepreneurs didn’t know where their next pay check, customer, prospect was coming from. This can be very stressful for a lot of people. This is not just directed to the business owners of the world. This is directed to the employees that want that promotion or raise. You can sell someone a plate of food but you can’t make them eat if their NOT hungry.

Success doesn’t come easy. If it were easy there would be a hell of a lot more successful people in the world. Success is a choice. It’s a mind set. You must want it as much as you want the air you breathe. This might sound crazy but it’s the truth. Look at some of the most successful people in the world. Most of them don’t have MBA‘s from Harvard. Some never even graduated from college. Some never went to college. But the difference was that they were hungry for success. They wanted it just as much as they needed the air they breathe.

Hard Work

We bust our asses for the things we want, right? We work extra hours for the vacation we so desperately need, the car we want, the shoes we want to buy and so forth. Anything worthwhile having requires hard work. It requires getting up every morning starting from ground zero. Having the mentality that you are starting each day with NOTHING! You must hustle to get want you want. You must figure out a way on how to attain what you want. Are you busting your ass for the success you deserve?

It all boils down to how bad you want something. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to make it? What are you willing to sacrifice to get it? I think back when I was a cop knowing that my career was coming to an end. I had to ask myself do I have what it takes to make it out in the world without an employer. I had to ask myself over and over again was I willing to do whatever it took to be successful. Thinking of all the adversity that I was about to face. The truth is that you will only be as hungry as you want to be. If you want success as bad as you need the air you breathe, you will stay hungry.

Masterminding: The Success Principles Behind It

November 26, 2011

What is a Mastermind? How can it help you in succeeding?

A mastermind group is simply an alliance of two or more individuals dedicating themselves to a specific goal. The mastermind model is the power of organized knowledge expressed through intelligent efforts. Masterminds facilitate this power.

But is information organized power? Surfing the web for a particular answers can cause a deluge of conflicting, ambiguous information that does nothing to increase one’s knowledge.

A Mastermind is a “coordination of knowledge and effort, harmonies in spirit, between two or more positive, success-minded people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.”

Some of the smartest people in all walks of life from CEO’s, Realtors, Police Officers, Alcoholics, Small Business Owners, Suffers of PTSD and such have attributed all of their success due in part to this term we call ‘Masterminding.’”

Masterminding has been around since the early 1900’s. This idea of mastermind groups has grown and evolved to become a successful tool of successful individuals. A Game-Changer if you will.

The benefits of having a supportive mastermind group are plenty:

1.You have a group of people available to help you succeed.

2.You get the benefit of differing perspectives, input and feedback.

3.Your mastermind team can bring resources and connections to the table you might not have had on your own.

4.You receive accountability and inspiration from the group, thus enabling you to maintain focus in achieving your goals.

It was once said by the famous founder of success principles, Napoleon Hill ,“No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.” In other words, your ability to create great things in this world we live in is increased by having that invisible “third mind” or what we call, ” The Mastermind Group”.

Creating a mastermind group does not have to be difficult. But I will share this, being in several mastermind groups myself, you must have people in this group that want the same thing you do. No matter what it is. The key ingredient is “Like-MindedPositive, Goal Oriented/Goal Achieving, Motivation, Inspiration, Failure is No Option mentalities.

There are two basic types of mastermind groups:

1) One focused on the success and vision of one individual

2) One focused on helping everyone in the group.

When creating/building the perfect mastermind group both in mind.

You would be amazed at how willing many like-minded people are there to help you when asked. I believe it’s an honor to be asked for advice or an opinion. It means that you are trusted, respected and admired. Did you ever ask someone for advice and feel in your “gut” that they were mis-guiding you? I have. Steer clear of these individuals. Ask the people that have already accomplished what you so desire to accomplish.

When someone mentions that a mastermind group is forming, they mean a group of dedicated people who want to see themselves and others succeed and achieve great things in their lives.  These groups can meet in person, over a free tele-conference line, online chat rooms or webinars.

I contribute 85% of my success to the power of masterminding. I pay thousands of dollars a year to surround myself with like-minded, success oriented, goal achieving, positive people. By taking this step, it has created a life I never thought I could have.

However, you must act! Your actions will educate yourself in the laws of success. Take action today and start creating the life you truly want and deserve. I don’t care who you are, we all want the great things this wonderful life has to offer us.

Remember this Quote by the great Napoleon Hill, “Analyze the record of any man who has accumulated a great fortune, and many of those who have accumulated modest fortunes, and you will find that they have either consciously, or unconsciously employed the ‘Master Mind’ principle.”

PTSD: Overcoming Tragic Events or Thoughts to a Fulfilling Successful Life

November 13, 2011

The more and more I learn about our returning Troops, the more and more I resonate with how they’re feeling. They are coming home from the battlefield, the front line if you will, where they confront, see and hear tragedy day in and day out. Witnessing their fellow comrads being maimed or killed. Witnessing death and destruction as if it were just part of normal life.

They are immediately rushed back into society or the normal life as we call it. How are they suppose to transition from a KILL zone to the supposely NORMAL zone? Are they being properly prepared for their arrival back home? Is their brain being re-wired/re-trained for the normal world? Is there protocol on re-inventing these young men and woman so they can enter society as a civilian?

The latest article I read was about a tragic murder of a 19 year old Southern California girl by one of our Troops. In the article it said, ” I was trained to kill. I come home. I can’t adjust to regular civilian lifestyle.” “I spun out of control. I needed help.”  Unfortunately with the way I was trained, you know to react to threats is to neutralize threats. …Even with someone I love.”

The tragedy of it all is that not only did an innocent yound woman lose her life, a young man lost his as well.

Why isn’t PTSD on the dashboard of the minds of the men and women in charge of our returning troops? Why isn’t there more of an impactful debriefing process? This MUST change! If it doesn’t, we are going to hear more tragic stories of suicides and homicides by our protectors, our heros.

In my estimation, I would venture to guess that the suffers of PTSD are soothing their emotions by drugs and alcohol as opposed to other more positive outlets.

My mission is to change this. Suffering PTSD myself, undiagnosed and diagnosed for more than 10yrs, I too experienced the horrible thoughts, nightmares, anger, depression, anxiety, heightened alertness, physical and emotional torment that our HEROS are experiencing today.

It was a battle everyday to stay on course. However, I refused to allow this to take hold of me. To allow this to destroy my life. To allow me from achieving the great things that this world so desperately needs.

I took it upon myself to re-wire/re-train my brain to block out the the negative thoughts and everything else I was experiencing. There are so many things that I have done to overcome PTSD but what we are experiencing with our returning troops is an epidemic. This MUST change and if I have anything to do with it, it WILL!

Tips for Overcoming PTSD by Founder of Achieve Success Academy

October 25, 2011

Overcoming PTSD with a Focused Mindset!

October 10, 2011

Since January of 2000 and suffering PTSD, my life has changed in so many ways. It’s coming up on the 12th anniversary of my in-the-line-of-duty shooting. There isn’t a day that goes by that I do not think about that incident. For several years the thought of the incident occupied my thoughts all the time. I would get angry with myself for having those thoughts. I felt weak, insecure, sorry for myself. I use to ask myself why me all the time.

I knew the end was near. The end of my law enforcement career. The anger, anxiety, depression was overcoming me. I can recall driving to work and feeling sick to my stomach. The sick feeling you have when you have a bad case of the stomach flu. The pains, sweats and heaving breathing got worse as I neared the border of the Township.

Once I was out of the building and in my patrol car, the first thing I would do is go to a place of solitude and just hide. Hoping that the radio would not call my car for the remainder of the 12hr shift. I felt like I was in prison. Waiting for my sentence to be over each and every shift. I couldn’t wait to get out of the uniform. I couldn’t wait  to not have to deal with it anymore. The thoughts that would go through my mind would make your chin drop.

What I started doing while on patrol changed my life forever. While hiding from the public and other patrolman, I would read. What I began to read changed my outlook on just about everything that happened in my life. The glass was no longer half empty. It was now half full. The light at the end of the tunnel I could finally see.

I began to focus on success and entrepreneurship. I had a burning desire to become a successful, happy, healthy & wealthy person. I was so tired of trading time for dollars. I made up my mind that if I had to leave police work I would no longer work for another human being ever again. I wanted be my own boss. I wanted to create my own road map to the promise land. The promise land of never ever answering to anyone again.

Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with working for someone else. It was at that point in my life that I had to change who I was. Change how I was feeling. Completely change my life all together if I wanted to win the battle.

I truly believe that we are all put on this earth for a purpose. For a reason. I was put in a situation on January 10th, 2000 for a reason. It took many years to believe this but I was there at that very moment in time for a reason. With a focused, success/goal achieving mindset, I finally see that anything is possible. Possible if you discipline & dedicate yourself in becoming the best person you can. It has been quoted by several personal development experts that, “you do become what you think about most”!